Are you ready to experience a more effective and lasting type of collaboration?

Meetings are expensive, and can provide tremendous value if executed effectively. By optimizing how the participants are engaged and invited to participate, we can help you change the value of the output.

We use a facilitation approach focused on harnessing the collective intelligence of your team to foster innovation, improve decision-making, and enhance communication. Using appreciative inquiry, we create an environment where every voice is heard, and every idea is valued.

Unlock the potential of your teams through collaborative and dynamic facilitation techniques.

Empower Your Team with Transformative  Facilitation

We ensure actionable outcomes are defined, helping your team transition from ideas to implementation efficiently.


Our facilitation style empowers your leaders and team members to cultivate a culture of transparency and trust.


We engage every member of the team through proven methodologies that promote active participation and commitment.


Our Unique Approach to Facilitation

Experience the transformative power of collective potential. Together, we can champion change, foster connection, and unlock latent possibilities.

Your partner for strategic agenda design and conscious facilitation to unlock transformational learning experiences, in-person and online.

It’s time to leverage the power of belonging, prioritize human
connection, and unlock the wisdom in the room.

Step 1
  • Initial Assessment - Understanding your team’s dynamics and goals.
  • Determine if this partnership a fit for both of us.
Step 2
  • Collaborative design discussions with your key stakeholders.
  • What should we know and understand about your organization and the meeting participants?
  • What are the must haves for the event?
Step 3
  • Execute customized sessions - Tailored facilitation sessions designed to address specific challenges and opportunities.
Step 4
  • Debrief and share key learnings and observations with each other.

every engagement is custom designed to the needs of your organization

How it works

What Our clients are saying?

The workbook used to guide us through the conversation was very helpful. I enjoyed the "interview" part of the discussion. The environment for the conversation was supportive and encouraging.
- Kitty C.

Cheryl was the speaker at an event I participated in and her talk was really great! She was obviously comfortable in front of the group and her stories were very relatable to the audience. The connection opportunity between the participants was a bonus and brought additional value to those in the virtual room. I wouldn't hesitate to see her speak at another event.
- Jenna P.

Cheryl created a safe place that allowed everyone to be vulnerable and truly connect.
- Abby G.

Using the Xchange approach, we ensure that virtual meetings are not just a passive experience but a dynamic and interactive environment where every participant is engaged and every voice is heard.

We employ a variety of interactive tools and techniques designed to keep engagement high, such as:
  • Real-Time Polling: To gauge immediate feedback and make participants feel heard
  • Breakout Rooms: To facilitate deeper discussions among smaller groups and encourage active participation
  • Interactive Q&A Sessions: To maintain lively interaction and ensure all questions and concerns are addressed.

Leverage a proven facilitation technique to transform your Zoom leadership meetings from standard to stellar

Maximize Engagement in Virtual Meetings

Nicole L.

"Before working with Cheryl, I was comfortable but not moving in the direction I wanted. I knew there was more for me. After plugging into Cheryl’s strategies I feel more self-aware, confident and trusting of my own abilities. I’m excited for what’s in front of me!" 

"After plugging into Cheryl’s strategies I feel more self-aware, confident and trusting of my own abilities"


"My relationship with my 19 year-old son was contentious. Every conversation felt like a battle and he did his best to avoid us. After working with Cheryl, I had a better appreciation for what was truly important to me and had new language to communicate with my family. I felt more in touch with my needs and what was reasonable to expect from my son. My conversations with my son became more productive and enjoyable, and he started just hanging out more."

"After working with Cheryl, I had a better appreciation for what was truly important to me..."

Jennifer S.


"I’m grateful for Cheryl’s mentorship and passion for entrepreneurship. Her honest and direct feedback inspired me
to launch my own business alongside raising children and my corporate career. I am thankful that Cheryl continuously
motivates me, and I feel honored to call her my coach and friend."

"I am thankful that Cheryl continuously motivates me, and I feel honored to call her my coach and friend."

Shadia C.


"My pre-teen daughter was starting to spend more time on her own rather than with the rest of the family. We weren't having any significant relationship issues yet, but I wanted to get ahead of any we might experience. Cheryl helped me see my opportunities to create better boundaries for myself and honor what I need, while also creating time to be available for my daughter. Our one-one-one time together has been less frantic and I feel more in control of my energy."

"Cheryl helped me see my opportunities to create better boundaries for myself"

Ashley M.

Kind words

Decide which program is best for you and confirm with payment in full or your first installment.

Commit to a program

Once your call is booked, complete a short questionnaire to tell me a little more about you to make the most of our time together.

Tell me More

Schedule a time for a discovery call so that we can discuss options and determine if we are a fit to work together.

Get Acquainted

Yes. The first installment will be payable before the first coaching session. Subsequent installments will be payable on the 1st of each month. Clients who pay in full will receive a 10% discount on their coaching fees.

Can I pay in installments?

Currently all sessions are over zoom with access through a unique password.

Where do your sessions take place?

It depends on where you want to go and how quickly. Some clients are able to achieve their goals in as little as 2 months, but many work with a coach for 6 to 18 months. Once clients achieve their first goal, they often realize there is more they want to work on. The coaching relationship continues as long as there is benefit for the client. 

The goal of a good coach is to enable the client to embrace new practices and reduce the dependency on the coach as quickly as possible.  

How long do people usually work with a coach?

If you are feeling stuck, know there is something missing from your life but aren’t sure what, aren’t making the impact you want to make, aren’t fulfilled/satisfied with your career or relationships or have a big goal and need help moving towards it, coaching could help you break through.

How do I know if coaching is right for me?

Two reasons. 1) You are doing some tough work during our coaching sessions and 2) research shows that our brain fatigues after roughly 52 minutes. I suggest you use the remaining 10 minutes in the hour to jot down your key aha’s and next actions and then give your brain a break. Grab some water, chat with a friend, or give your dog some attention before moving on to your next activity.

Why are the coaching sessions only 50 minutes?

The group environment provides a safe place for moms to share intimate experiences that they may not be able to share with those closest to them for fear of shaming or judgment. 

The groups are typically sized at 6-8 participants to maintain the intimacy and camaraderie of the participants. All conversations held within the group and private Facebook page are strictly confidential and must stay within the group.

What can I expect from the group coaching experience?

A therapist works on past traumas and helps navigate mental health and other emotional issues. They help you move through the experiences that are holding you back from a healthy future. 

A coach assists you through a current challenge or reaching an active goal. A coach can help you reframe thought patterns, address concerns of worthiness, find your purpose, optimize your habits or reach a lofty personal or professional goal.

What is the difference between a coach & a therapist?


Are you ready to be all that you can be?